Saturday, September 22, 2012

Photo Dump

I started home-schooling Cooper.  Man, has it ever changed my days around.  The first week I felt so behind in housework because my mornings were spent completely devoted to teaching Cooper.  That left the housework to the afternoons, which is when I tried to have my down time, and when I would write blog posts. So, I can't promise my blog posts will be as consistent until I get in the hang of this whole schooling thing.

Heres' what we've been up to the past month.

My birthday. 
This is how aunt leeann lets cooper eat cake.

We took Cooper to see his fist movie in the theatre - Madagascar 3!
While at WalMart, I walked into the isle to find this. Like Father like son.

Bear attended school one day, too. Please ignore the disaster that is my living room behind them.

Coop loves to lick the batter when I bake.

Uncle Aaron teaches Cooper about Super Bowl Rings


Drove to the store and when we got there I looked back and saw this.

Carousel at the zoo.

Train at the zoo.

We had the Feldner girls here a couple nights. 

I got glasses! First time in my life I've needed them.

Enjoy your weekend. Ours is a cold and wet one!

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