Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring. Newness.

Spring is here, and it just might become my favorite season. Fall has been the season to take up the most room in my heart, but after just a few days of "official" spring weather, my heart is opening up more to spring.

We have flown kites.

Played outside.

Hung a bird feeder. (But someone please help me...I either have the wrong feeder or wrong birds are!)

Enjoyed trees blooming.
Enjoyed sunshine and warm weather.
There is a newness to spring. The people kind of remind me of bears coming out of hibernation. I've seen more people being active outside. See them playing with their kids. Plants are being potted, houses cleaned, patio furniture taken back out, outside toys played with. You see more smiles. It's like spring is announced and people kick themselves into high gear. They get ready for the next few months, because it's going to be cold again and they are going to enjoy every last bit of nice weather they can.

I think one of my favorite things about spring is it reminds me of my newness in Christ. Every day is afresh. Just like the dead grass is now green, so my old way of life is new.
A new life blossoming.
Beautiful in Christ.

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