Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cooper talks to God

Since moving to Ohio, we have been trying to make prayer a part of our days, trying to instill the habit of prayer in Cooper's life.   It has come at dinnertime and bedtime, uttering the prayers we all know and grew up reciting.  He started to say those prayers on his own.

But last night, Cooper uttered his own, heartfelt prayer.  With no help from me.

Here's what happened:

"Cooper, I have to tell you something.  Today, we left monkey at Walnut Creek Cheese.  He's at the store, and we can't get him back until Monday."

"Get monkey, mommy."

"I can't get monkey.  The store is closed, and isn't open until Monday.  And I hope that they will have monkey.  You will have to be patient and wait until then."

The tears started rolling. "Hurry mommy.  Go to the store and get monkey.  Is he hurt?"

"Monkey isn't hurt, Cooper.  Hopefully someone found him, and will take good care of him until we can get him back."

"Cooper want monkey.  Go get monkey, mommy."

"Cooper, I can't get monkey until Monday.  Tomorrow we will go to church.  Then the next day we can go and *hopefully* get monkey.

At this point in the conversation Cooper starts crying uncontrollably and uttering things I don't understand.

"Cooper, when I'm upset I pray.  Would you like to pray and ask for monkey to get back to you safely?"


"Ok, let's pray".

And just as I started to say something for Cooper to repeat, he went ahead and uttered the prayer all on his own.

"Dear Jesus, please get monkey back soon. Amen."

My eyes watered with tears and my heart beamed.  

It was Cooper's first prayer that he prayed on his own. 

no memorizing. 

no repeating.  

His first conversation with God.

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