Happy Monday!
I can say it's happy because:
1) Cooper slept until 8....and so did I!
2) I've got my coffee and it's good. (Did you know they make pantry packs of liquid creamer now? You can keep it in your pantry and refrigerate after opening? That way you can stock up if you need to)
Cooper just proclaimed to me, "make a idea!" What's your idea Cooper? "a go idea?" he said (good idea). What's your good idea, Cooper? Coloring on his potty with marker, of course.

Speaking of the potty. We have finished the 7 days of potty training. Day one was awesome. Day two, awful. Day three, discouraging. Day four, will it ever get better? Am I doing the right thing? Day five, wonderful. Day six, even better. Day seven, the light at the end of the tunnel. Cooper only had one accident yesterday and it was while we were at church. Cooper is at the point where he will go when we tell him to, but he doesn't tell us he has to go. Although I'm sure that will come after time. He also hasn't mastered #2...it's a completely different feeling. I'm sure that will come after time, too. So, this week, we're still putting stickers on his chart, still rewarding him for successes, and getting back to life outside of the house. I wouldn't consider him completely potty trained yet, but I'm happy with where he is. And my bank account is happy for the decrease in diaper purchases.

Cooper can ride a scooter now, like a big kid. Now that he's two he thinks he can do these things.
This weekend was a really great one. And fast. One of those weekends that ends with contentment.

Friday I fell down the porch stairs. I was trying to help Cooper get down because he was trying to be awesome and carry 3 stuffed animals at once as he walked down the stairs. It was my first time in many months wearing flip flops, and that combined with my need to help Cooper resulted in me falling. And when I fell there was a "loud" pop in my ankle. I don't know what's wrong. I can bear weight on it, and move it. It is sore and a little bruised. And it looks ridiculously fat when I wrap it for support.

I am not one for pain. So, when I fell, I became white as a ghost, started sweating, and my world started spinning. I thought I was going to pass out. This is why when we had Cooper, Andrew told me an epidural was a must.
So this weekend I was a little slower, hobbling. It didn't ruin the weekend, though.

Friday night we had a great night with some friends in Canton. We played outside, ate dinner, and grabbed some frozen yogurt.

Saturday was a day at home. Perfect in every way.

Sunday was church. Lunch. The Hunger Games. Dinner. Porch sitting and coffee for hours. Lovely.

We got a huge blessing in the mail this week! A package full of shirts, shorts, socks, shoes, pjs, and undies for Cooper. Thanks Nana and Grampsy! Our family has been so blessed by that package.
This week I've been trying to be thankful for all things. That's right...ALL things. The good, the bad, the ugly. I want to be joyful. I can only do that by first being thankful...for everything. So, when I start complaining or feeling discouraged about something, I start rattling off things I'm thankful for. Then I thank God for the bad and the ugly. And I really am. Thankful. Thankful that God has me in his hands when things around me crumble, when people hurt me, when I feel inadequate, when I struggle. Thankful that he uses those things to work for His good.
Have you tried being thankful in all things? Every circumstance? You'll be amazed at how joyful and contented you will feel.
"Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart."
Colossians 4:2
"Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances"
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Now THAT's a "go idea".