Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Tonight Cooper and I had a "date". Andrew didn't get home until late, so we had dinner, went to the park, and then got some ice cream.

While we were eating ice cream, I looked into his eyes and saw my reflection. His eyes are THAT clear. It was amazing.

That got me thinking about some other interesting things about Cooper. Some that those of you who are far away may not know, but would like to know. Also because I don't want to ever forget this Cooper, here we go:

He would live outside if he could.

He can throw, catch, hit, and kick a ball better than I can. He is going to be an athlete.

He can now consistently identify the colors red and blue.

He is now only wearing a diaper at night.

He is social - says hi to everyone.

He is being able to tell me about what he does at different places. And then he'll talk about them for days. "Played marbles at Julies." "Throw balls at church." "Train at Bella and Audra's" "Joey gave me train" "Ms. Sara gave me elephant game."

He misses the snow. He keeps asking for it.

He prayed at dinner...all by himself, without repeating us.

He gets scared when sad/bad things happen in a movie or tv show.

When I see this picture, I see a "grown up" Cooper. I think he will look a lot like this when he's grown up.

He is not ready to go see a movie in theaters. He can not sit still.

He is loving. He gives me hugs and kisses all day long. And he will say "wuv mommy" out of the blue.

He is pure boy. He jumps off things, without fear, all the time.

As much as I sometimes think otherwise, he is well-behaved.

He is a good kid.
I am so glad God has entrusted him to us. I hope we're making God glad.

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