But once you taste the sweet peace of Jesus, the inconceivable act of him becoming our perfect sacrifice, you see that his death on the cross is, indeed, GOOD.
Today we are having a good Friday. By good Friday I mean, I'm letting Cooper watch countless hours of TV (I usually limit his TV time), while ignore piles of laundry shouting, "wash me, fold me, put me away" because I've got a darn good book in my hands.
Other good things in my life this week:
Watching Cooper imitate Andrew's every move one night. He wanted to lay/sit/stand/act exactly like his Daddy.

One day this week Cooper came upstairs, grabbed his blankets, monkey, Simba, then headed back downstairs. When I walked down the stairs a couple of minutes later, I found him snuggling with them, George on the tv, and he was asleep.

Have a "good" weekend!
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