I've had this post written since the day after Easter, but one thing led to another, then to another, and here it is a week and half later.
We had a great Easter weekend.
Saturday we lounged. Or should I put it... loooooooooouuuuuuunged.
We took a walk to the railroad tracks. Because Cooper loves trains. And he asks to go all the time.

We enjoyed the beauty around us this spring. Sometimes I feel like a little kid experiencing the seasons for the first time.
Sunday morning we enjoyed watching Cooper go through his Easter basket(s). That's right - two. Because I need to start shopping for these things in one trip. I end up forgetting what I've already gotten and then each time I go out put something else in the cart. Is there a therapy group I can join for this?
Church was amazing. Lately I've been knocked to my knees daily about how much I hurt God, how much I long to be better, do better, and how far I have to go. The service ended with the song, "All Things New" and I was so touched with the gentle reminder that each day is a new one for me. Each day a fresh start.
After a delicious lunch with Matt, Cooper napped and we watched both Brian Regan videos on Netflix. When Cooper woke up, we had an egg hunt. He got a monkey piggy bank in his easter basket, so the eggs were filled with coins. He had a great time hunting for them. Each time he found one, he would shake it.
The eggs in the ditch were the best to watch him grab. He would spread his legs over the ditch and bend down to get the egg. Hysterical. We threw a couple extra ones in there just to watch him try to retrieve them.
For dinner we went to the Shultz home, and celebrated with a lot of the NewPointe staff. We had a design challenge, and guys vs. gals Pictionary game. We had a great time, thanks Joe and Julie!
Monday we lounged again. Or rather, loooooooooouuuuuuunged.
How was your Easter weekend?
Fun family photo at the end is a nice way to wrap up what sounds like an awesome weekend! I too loved the pics of Cooper over the ditch, lol. Love you guys!