I think there is a button somewhere inside me that is pushed when music starts. And once it's pushed, movement makes its way from my inner core to my limbs and I start dancing.
I know that Cooper will have memories of his me being a total dancing weirdo. Turning up music loudly and performing some ridiculous looking movements. Many times it's the only way I can make it through my t0-do list, with a dust rag and basket of laundry as my dancing partners.
I think I have passed on this button to Cooper. He loves to dance. We often have dance parties. While Andrew was out for a run one evening, Cooper and I began a dance party. When Andrew walked through the door, Cooper ran to him excitedly and yelled, "Dance Party!" The scene that followed was all three of us dancing around the living room. Don't ever be surprised to find us dancing around if you drop by unannounced, or even if you are announced. And if you are invited over, don't be surprised if you are asked to get up and dance with us.

One of Cooper's favorite dance floors is our table. I don't know why, but it is. One of his favorite dances is the Elmo Slide. It's like the Cha-Cha Slide, or Electric Slide, but for preschoolers. He has recently been able to follow directions with dances and it's super cute.
I was just so lucky enough to be able to capture one of our "dance party-on-the-table-with-the-elmo slide-song" moments.
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