In college my friends and I had a love for york peppermint patties.
One would get a huge thing of them for Christmas and return after break with the large tub of patties. We would get ridiculously excited about them. They would be stored in our fridge and we would ration them to make the simply delicious treats last as long as we could. Cries rang out the day they were gone.
Had a bad dad? Try a peppermint patty.
Had a good day? Try a peppermint patty.
Went grocery shopping? A trip that meant a peppermint patty in the check out line.
Andrew knows that a simple way to make my day is to give me a peppermint patty. Ever since college, I think of my friends and our friendship every time I have a peppermint patty.
I have always been so thankful for our friendship. God put us together for great reasons. I always thought it was because we got a taste of true friendship and love from each other. However, the older we're getting I'm seeing that even back in college God had a purpose for all of us being friends. We've gone through the same things at the same times. Within a year we all got married. Within a year we all had babies. Moving, ministry ups and downs. Even though we are far apart it still seems like we're going through life together. Our email threads are long and continuous. There isn't a week that goes by that we're not in communication with one another. And I'm thankful. Because they know what I'm going through. I know what they're going through. A piece of heaven on earth is when we get the rare privilege of all being together.
Ok, back to the point. I was so excited I was when I spotted this at WalMart yesterday.

The taste: So good.
But even better is the feeling that my friends are with me when I sip my coffee. Amanda as close to me as she can get. Allison sitting back with her legs crossed and twirling her hair. Erin sitting with her legs up under her and smiling. Liz sitting criss crossed on the floor.
Not a bad way to start off my coffee date monday, right?
Some yummy creamer and a great feeling to go with it.
Today is crunch time. Tomorrow Cooper and I are flying to FL for a week. That means today is laundry, packing, cleaning, and grocery shopping to make sure my love has some good food to eat while I'm not here.
I'm excited to see everyone. Excited to see the sunset.
Andrew was gone last week. To which Cooper and I pretty much just had a week of lounging and fun. When Andrew is gone I don't have to make big meals every night. I don't have to put on my make up. I can lounge and play all day. So we did. I managed to start and finish all three books in the hunger games trilogy. I managed to play hard with Cooper. I also managed to ignore my housework list. My biggest accomplishment was cleaning the fridge.
We had a big snow storm Friday night. Which meant Saturday Cooper and I could play in it. So we did. He loves the snow more and more. There was more of it this time, which meant more things for him to experience. We tried to make a snowman, but every time I put another ball on top of the first one, Cooper knocked it off. And then giggled like crazy. So I kept doing it just to hear his laughter. He loved walking in it because it was deep.

Andrew got home Saturday night and after church on Sunday we bought a sled. After Cooper's nap the two of them took off to play outside.
They were gone for about an hour total. At some point I got a call to come to them with a camera. When I arrived at the scene, this is what I saw. Cooper sledding by himself. He's that little black dot on the left.
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