Tuesday, August 6, 2013

daddy in heaven

Last summer I froze some fresh corn. It was a huge hit. every time I made it. I only made nine so we ate them sparingly throughout the year.

This year I froze some more corn...more than double! I have been freezing stuff with my friend and her family. When we were making the corn I was telling everyone about how much everyone loved the corn. I said that every time we had it, Andrew was in heaven. 

Cooper pondered my phrase and after a couple of seconds, with the most serious and confused face responded with:

"Daddy went to heaven?"

Since my grandfather's passing this January we've had a lot of death and heaven talks with Cooper. A concept so hard to understand. He knows heaven is where you go when you die. He was so concerned and confused about his daddy being in heaven! I had to explain it was a figure of speech. Which I'm pretty sure was a speech he understood nothing of. I just had to assure him daddy had never been to heaven.

I think I'm going to have to start making a Cooper-ism section on here. He is saying some awesome stuff lately!

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