Monday, June 25, 2012

Coffee Date Monday: My made-up recipe

Good morning!

If you were over for coffee today you'd be served up some yummy starbucks blend coffee with either york or french vanilla creamer.  Yum-O. You would also be offered some water, milk, or hot chocolate.  Your choice. 

If you were over today no doubt you would be impressed with my house.  Not that it's really clean, but that it looks somewhat put together after a week of me trying to feel better.

Most notably today you'd notice a smile on my face.  Because I would be so happy to have you here.  Happy to see your eyes sparkle when we share a laugh.  Happy to truly embrace you as you enter and leave my home.  Thanks for sharing this coffee date with me in a virtual way.  

Todays topic: My cooking.  It is nothing for me to write home about.  I have had some big flops.  Look back here and here to see some disasters in cooking just since I've had this blog.

Andrew likes to tell people, who come over to eat mind you, that I have made some disastrous meals.  

There's the time I would choose on my own something to substitute for another ingredient, and it turned out bad.  Lesson learned: I look up substitutes online before I cook.  
The time I cooked meat and it came out raw and Andrew had to leave class early.  Lesson learned: I now cook meat the minute segments per pound.  That's right, I cooked a roast for like 15 minutes because I didn't see the per pound part of the directions.
The time I put too much orange zest in the recipe and it just really didn't taste good.  Lesson learned: never even attempt that recipe again.
The time I decided my mom would love it if I made her a cake from scratch for her birthday.  And it looked gorgeous, but tasted like heavy bread.

And Andrew's all-time favorite cooking story: friendship bread. There was a bag of friendship bread mix I had gotten, and I was supposed to add stuff to this bag for a few days, make a batch, and send on a new mix to someone else.  The night I baked it, we had a bunch of people over and were watching a movie.  Andrew went into the kitchen when the timer had gone off and tasted it. 
Him: "I don't think it's done yet."
Me: "Well, just put it in for a few more minutes."
After a few more minutes go by and the delicious scent of yummy bread has spread through our home, I take it out of the oven.  Andrew, ever the impatient one, takes a bite quickly.
Then spits it out.
Him: Something's wrong with it.
Me: Well, let me taste it.  
After I tasted it, I knew exactly what had happened.  Andrew was right.  Something was wrong with it.  I had an unmarked ingredient in the cupboard.  I assumed it was sugar.  Wrong.  It was salt.  So, when I thought I was adding 2 cups of sugar, I was really adding salt.  We renamed it friendshit bread.

And then proceeded to play some funny jokes on people that week as we had them taste our "yummy" home made bread.

I can only imagine what goes through the minds of our guests as we sit down to eat after Andrew tells them story after story of all my flops.  

But, I'd like to describe myself as someone who is getting better.  And since I'm home now, I have more time to cook, plan, try new things.  While there have been a couple of not so great moments, overall, there are many great moments and yummy foods that come out of my kitchen.

I made up my own recipe.  I looked at a couple of recipes, kind of combined them, kind of made it up because I didn't have all the ingredients needed. At one point andrew said, "it looks good and smells good."  But we both know that doesn't mean anything. That friendship bread looked great and smelled great. 

Last night's meal: one of my favorites.  I loved the way it smelled, looked, and tasted.  I smiled, thinking to myself, I really am getting better.  

So, before you leave today, can I offer you a home-made muffin?  Kidding.

Have a great day! I know it's monday, but rejoice! You're here, God gave you today.  Go do something amazing with it.

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