Here's how we woke up:

I hear Cooper. Look at my watch, and it's 7:50! I quickly revel in the moment of him sleeping past 7, because since the time change it hasn't happened. Then I realized Andrew was still sleeping, too. So, I ask, "Andrew, what time are you leaving today?" He replies, "8:10". "Well, it's 7:50" says I. "What? You're kidding!" "Nope, check your phone clock." Then, he says, "Why isn't Cooper awake yet?" Apparently Cooper has become is alarm clock!
I am proud to say that it is 1:30 and the whole house has been cleaned, vacuumed, and laundry is being done. I'm just now having my cup of coffee, and I'm sipping it with a warm heating pad relieving the hurt from my hard work.
I've got the rest of today and tomorrow to get this week's chores done because.....we leave for Florida early Wednesday morning! We're excited to see our family and friends this Thanksgiving.
This past weekend was Andrew's birthday. Friday night we drove to Columbus. We ate meals at Skyline, Chick-fil-A, and Red Robbin, some of his favorites. We spent time with his sister, Ashleigh, her husband Kyle, and their kids Zachary and Xander. We left Cooper there to play while we got away to see Breaking Dawn (believe it or not, another of Andrew's favorites). The highlight of the weekend, though, was taking Cooper to see Sesame Street Live. We told him we were going to go see Elmo so he kept asking for him when we got in the car to go somewhere. When we got inside he ran. With pure excitement. Like this.

I definitely got goose bumps watching him react to the show. He did really well until the second half of the show when he was tired and hungry and ready to go.
Yesterday after church Andrew went with our friend Matt to eat sushi and to a play at a local theatre in town. I'm excited because tonight we're going to get sushi at the same place. Who knew they had sushi in Dover?!
I've been going through episodes of My So Called Life and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Does anyone else remember this show?
All in all a great weekend, and we're looking forward to a great Thanksgiving week.
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