Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Highlight #1

This weekend it hit me - summer is winding down.  Usually this doesn't mean much.  This year it totally does.  This year it means I only have a few more months of outside living to do.

Between visitors here and us visiting others, our summer has flown by.  As I have thought back on our summer there are some highlights I want to share on here.

#1 - Cooper Swimming

Ever since we moved here Cooper has been asking to go swimming.  We went from going to the neighborhood pool frequently to community pools only open may-september.  It got to the point that one day in the spring we put on his swimsuit and he "swam" in the pool.

Once the warm weather hit, we blew up a little pool that he has had an absolute blast in.

But my favorite part about our swimming this year has been watching Cooper swim on his own with some swimmies on his arm. It first happened at my aunt & uncles house.  I finally caught it on camera when we visited Jeff and Allison a few weeks ago.  Check out how happy he is in this video.

Maybe next summer we can do swim lessons!

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