Sunday, February 23, 2014

Boy Genius and his Wii U

Friday was a big day for Cooper. 

1) He had his 4 year well visit. 
We switched pediatricians and this was our first time seeing the new dr. Upon the first few minutes, he told me, after asking Cooper some questions, that he wasn't able to understand Cooper as much as he should, and that he might need speech therapy. He also told me about some tips I could do at make sure he annunciates. I just kind of laughed about it, and knew the idea was bogus. 

Fast forward 10 minutes. Cooper has opened up and is chatting the dr.'s ear off. The dr asks him routine questions "what's your full name" "can you draw these shapes", etc. When it was done, the Dr looked at me and said "You can forget about me ever saying anything about speech therapy. Apparently, he's a genius." 

Cooper had to get 2 shots. Polio and Chickenpox. He hated it and cried quite a bit.  But, he got a donut after. #4yearoldwin
We are really thankful for him.
For his health. 
For his growth.

2) Cooper got a Wii U
Cooper loves Mario. He has been wanting some of the new games to play on the wii. However, we had an old wii and the games he wanted to play wouldn't work with our old system.  So a few months ago, I told him that if he saved enough of his money for half, we would pay for the other half. 

I expected this goal to take about a year.

In actuality, it took about 3 months. Christmas and birthday money for the win!

Friday night we headed out to Target to get his wii. 

We are really proud of him. 
For saving. 
For having a goal. 
For meeting his goal. 

1 comment:

  1. So proud and what a way to help him set and achieve goals! Seriously laughed out loud about the doctor part at the beginning!
