Wednesday, August 31, 2011



Yes, ladies and gentlefolk, I am done packing! Our home is packed away in brown, taped-up boxes. To be done with this part of the process is an amazing feeling. Feel free to join in with me as I do m happy dance!

I do want to thank those of you who have volunteered your time in helping me pack our home. You donated your company, your service, your playing skills with Cooper, and your encouragement. I would not be able to say “done” if it weren’t for all your help, and I want you to know how grateful I am.

Cooper has also been a great helper. It has been interesting packing with him.

He required more attention, unpacked the boxes, and destroyed everything left out when I was focused on a particular room.

I made the mistake of packing a few things when he was awake. I kept telling him he’d get it back when we were in Ohio. “oy-yo” as he says it. Hope he’s not expecting a land of toys and blankets galore. Although, he may after me repeating over and over that he will get his toys and blankets back when we’re in “oy-yo”.

He also keeps asking for things that are packed “big ball” or looks for things that are no longer on the wall “whey is it?”.

Poor kid. One day when he’s in therapy he’ll probably be able to trace all of his problems back to this experience.

Now that I’m done I think I will reward myself with a week off from anything packing/moving related. For the next week I am retreating to a secret poolside location (aka – mom and dad’s). I will be available for all sorts of fun-having, relaxation, and hanging-out if you every want to join in. I’m glad my last week here with be a fun one instead of stressing over packing.

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