Thursday, August 4, 2011


For the first time in a whole week, Cooper had solid poop!

I don't know if it's teething (4 teeth pushing through right now), or change of routine (we were away from home for 2 weeks) but Cooper has had quite the week of poop. It has shot out all sides of his diaper, as well as been all different shades and consistencies. He has not had an appetite, and we've tried all sorts of different diets. So, not only has Cooper had solid poop, but his appetite is back in full swing. 2 eggs and peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, 2 slices of white spinach pizza for lunch, and grapes and goldfish in between.

Wanna know what's even crazier than all of that?? Cooper can name each one of those things. I have quite the talker on my hands. At least he's a cute talker.

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